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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Let me sums up!!

last post rsye mcm dah between dat, so many things happen..but tulang temulang and saraf-saraf otak sangat malas bertindak menjadikan aku sgt lembab utk meng'update' blog ni..and keadaan sekeliling yg super duper bz n x convinience menjadi penambah perisa kepada tahap kemalasan aku..

Alhamdulillah AGM NCM (Northern) 2010/2011 selamat dijalankan..and new committee has been selected..congratulations to all my dear frends yg berjaya menjadi new representative to the small community ni..but believe me..jawatan ni bukan comes with responsibility n commitment..i dont have much to comment but still i risau ngan keadaan crews from penang..i hope the moderator dah dapat tackle problem nye..x best la kalu ade byk2 side kan..utk negeri lain..aku x nmpk any problem..maybe penang ni rmi divided into 2 division..mainland n island..n mmg x senang la mod nk observe x kesah pon..belah2 island2 ni tua2 sumanye..xde hal la..cuma i really wish all the best to penang moderator..

untuk head region pulak..i dont c any problem with Prince An being selected..he is ok with evry1.
the most important thing for this yg dapat tuh mesti la seorg yg neutral,not taking sides, matang, x rushing2 or emotional..n heard from the new HR himself..ape yg dia risau adalah mende yg buleh pecah belahkan this groupie adalah PEREMPUAN n hal DUIT..n aku sgt2 bersetuju 100%. so as i said to meself and HR..once im engaged/attached to sumbody,,i would not going to actively participate..i will only join with my partners or with his permission and consent.

as for the sec and tre post, i rs Mrays n DD is capable of doing those job.lgpon Mrays sememangnye adalah sec pon..buleh je dia buat keje..n both of them actually skema orgnye..haa tetapi cuba2 nk buat ganas..DD personally i would say dia org yg detail la..cuma he might need to mend sumthing with certain ppl..stgh2 org x leh trima cara dia because they approach/encounter the wrong side of him..

kesimpulannye..aku lega..aku dah xde pape komitmen with the im just a spectator..
owh n i would really glad to c encik scandal with his bigger role..damn he's gonna b bz

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